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Content Warnings for Kea's Migration: Appendix 8

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8. Other harm

There are attacks by the eugenicist regime involving animals and plants that kill victims using venom. The deaths of some minor characters and one major character are caused by this enemy colony.

The narrator stays with a family in the eugenicist (and very patriarchal) regime, where the wife is very subservient to the domineering husband. No sexual abuse or physical abuse occurs between them onstage, but the dynamic is clearly unhealthy. The husband threatens the narrator with violence and threatens to turn her over to law enforcement for being a spy.

A secret agent in the same regime admits she killed her husband because he would otherwise have turned her over to authorities to be killed for her rebellious beliefs. Her adult son, and several other secret agents, later died in a raid on their base.

There are multiple combat scenes in which protagonists cause physical harm to attackers in self-defense, and suffer physical injuries themselves. There is offstage torture of one of the protagonists.

The dictator of the eugenicist regime dies at the end. So does the ableist villain at home.

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